Sunday, March 16, 2008

the begininng

once upon a time i decided to be done with college and bought a plane ticket to buenos aires.

why argentina, everyone asks?

1. i have been there before, last summer. my only international traveling experience ever. i loved it.
2. i finished all my classes one quarter early.
3. why not?

the original plan: to live in a youth hostel in the neighborhood of recoleta and take spanish lessons.

then i thought, hey, why not get an apartment and share it with other students? ta-da! in argentina! found some roommates, got the apartment secured. perfecto!

and then yesterday, three days before i arrive in buenos aires, i get an email saying that plans fell through; my apartment is no longer available.

new plan: i have no plan. two of my friends who are down in argentina currently are going to bariloche a day after i arrive. i might as well go with them. my idea is to continue traveling around until i get bored/tired, then i will try to figure out a living situation back in BsAs.

my dream? to do the che guvara thing, traveling from argentina to santiago, and then upwards to la paz, lima and machu picchu! yeah!

and now i am going to have interesting words / concepts for the day:

BsAs - stands for buenos aires. the capital federal of the country.
machu picchu - not a pokemon. but still awesome.
heladería - ice cream parlor! BsAs is full of them, and this will be my first stop!
che guevara - seriously?


@Nik_Virrey said...

i knew it,
my culture was too good for you too escape.

let us prepare for the next conversation and comparison of driveway stories.

i have a few ideas in mind...
i will reclaim the title.

love from the Northwest,

Anonymous said...

i love this idea. i love to read anything you know this.
love you stephhh